About me

My name is Lucy Baldwin.

I’ve been studying relationships, communication and how we think about things since I was a child, then at college for a Bachelors’ in Cognitive Science.

For a long time I’ve been a psychedelic integration coach, helping people make meaning from their experiences with plant medicine, and integrate the new understanding into everyday life.

Now, I’m offering my shadow integration approach to create a coaching experience that creates big shifts in consciousness, that show up in ‘real life’ too.

Lucy is really clever, and friendly, and she’s so very present and focused with her coaching clients. I love her background in psychology, and always feel completely safe with her. I know I can talk to her about anything without judgement or shame, and the healing happens fast.

For more information about psychedelic integration, listen to Episode 10 of my Podcast, Psychedelic:


In this episode I tell some of my personal background and story with discovering integration through my work with ayahuasca and I talk specifically about what psychedelic integration is. I also share a coaching nugget at the end. You can find my blog at psychedelicpc.com/podcast